Saturday, September 17, 2011

First 5k survived

Angie and I before the race!

Well I survived my first 5k and that is about all that I can say. I thought I would feel more proud of myself but to be honest I feel a little disappointed. Not so much with my time but that I am pretty sure I could have pushed myself more. Of course that is easy to say that I have showered and am resting! Anyway, it took me around 45 mintues to finish. I wasn't last but I was well towards the back but a good way ahead of the walkers. I had my app going but forgot to look down at my time when I finished and then forgot to turn it off because I was running over peole to get to the water table. I also noticed that my Nike GPS app is not tracking my mileage quite correctly. I am figuring it is probably about a tenth of a mile off. Great I am running even slower than I thought! HA!

Angie and I at the beginning of the run. She has become quite a runner so I told her she better go on off and leave me or she was going to have to carry me! HA! Anyway, I started the app on my phone and was planning to run 10 walk 3 min. I forgot to fast forwarded through the warm-up so I ended up running 15 minutes in the beginning and then walked 3 and then ran 5 mintues and then had to walk again. So that was about 20 minutes of jogging which is about where I am in the program so at least I was able to do that. Bad news is that I wasn't even half way yet! Oh me oh my. After that I sort of jogged and walked off and on. There were a group of people in front of me sort of doing the same thing so I just tried to jog when they did and walk when they did. The thing I did not like about the course is that I knew exactly where we were going. I do not do well when I know where the beginning and end is. When I do my C25k training I wind through residental streets and never go the same way so that I am never thinking about the distance. Anyway, I walked much of the second of half of the race and I guess that is where I feel disappointed with myself. I think I could have dug down and ran an little more. My legs were screaming but it was no way near the pain of childbirth! :) Anyway, I surived and I am ready to get back on the road and start running longer and faster!

Me coming into the finish line. Trust me I was WAY MORE tired than this picture depicts! HA!

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